Want to not only save money for your business, but also create a ripple effect of prosperity within the employees’ families and community? That’s exactly what’s possible when you build a business and create jobs on a reservation, and become eligible for the Indian Employment Tax Credit. 

In case you missed it, we already wrote a blog all about what the Indian Employment Tax Credit is here. To give you a quick rundown, the credit is available to any business that is on reservation land in the United States, and chooses to hire members of the Tribe. 

Behind any initiative, it’s important to know the “why.” The reason the Indian Employment Tax Credit exists is three-fold: there is logic, reward, and legislation behind it. 

The logic of the credit lies in the fact that a business on a reservation that provides stable, consistent jobs with employee benefits positively impacts economic development, flow of money, and family prosperity right on that Tribal land. 

The reward of the Indian Employment Tax Credit naturally follows the logic. By choosing to invest in creating a business on a reservation, through the credit, you are eligible to receive up to $4,000 per qualifying employee that you hire to go towards their wages and health insurance. 

Lastly, there is legislation behind the formation of the credit. While the Indian Employment Tax Credit is currently inactive, it is expected to be renewed in late 2022 or early 2023. So, NOW is the time to become educated and proactive about it. 

Are you ready to explore the possibility of not only saving your business some significant money, but also creating a big impact on the community your business is in? Win-win! Get the free Indian Employment Tax Credit fact sheet here.