MCM Answers Your Frequently Asked Questions
Q. If MCM helps my company capture tax credits, how does MCM make money?
A. MCM is paid only on performance, as a percentage of the credit your company receives. If your new employees don’t qualify your company for tax credits, we provide the service at no cost. Only when your company saves money will a bill be generated, based on a small fraction of the tax credit captured.
Q. Government programs usually involve a lot of paperwork. Will this take a lot of time and effort on my part?
A. MCM handles all the necessary paperwork for submitting and receiving your credits. You simply hire and mail 2 forms that each new hire completes. The tax credit program is designed to be very easy on your staff!
Q. We have employees in several states. Can MCM help us?
A. Yes! MCM represents large and small companies with one or more locations, including locations in many states. Our tax credit specialists can identify federal and state tax credit programs nationwide.
Q. Is there a limit on the number of employees for which a business can take the credit?
A. There is no limit as to the number of employees who can qualify. An employer can claim the WOTC tax credit for as many new hires as are qualified by the WOTC.
Contact MCM today for your complimentary evaluation to discover which tax credits would be most profitable for your organization to pursue.
7 Tax Credit Secrets
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